Kia ora koutou,
Today we sat our Google Certified Educator Level 1 exams which went well but did remind me of the stress our students feel when sitting tests! I am glad to have it over and done with and happy I passed!
The nine week DFI course has helped me learn and acquire more skills in digital technologies and the manaiakalani pedagogy. I have upskilled in a range of areas in google - docs, slides, drawings, forms, groups, sheets, maps just to name a few. I have developed a stronger understanding of the digital technologies curriculum and how to embed this into practice in unplugged environments and digital environments.
It has been great having time to upskill in a range of new tools and apps such as Explain Everything, Scratch and MITappinventor etc. I hope to bring these tools back to my team, learners and the wider school to grow digital technologies and learning in our kura.
With the new knowledge I have acquired throughout DFI, I hope to support our school, staff and learners in digital technologies and the digital curriculum. This will enable us all to become more empowered through the use of digital technologies.
Kia ora Ocea. Congratulations on passing your exam (and on winning the Kahoot in the last session). I'm excited to hear that you're feeling confident to empower your students and colleagues at Wesley. Tino pai!