Friday, September 10, 2021

DFI Day Seven Reflection

 Kia ora koutou,

Today we focused on Ubiquitous teaching and learning. This means teaching and learning is accessible anytime, anywhere, any pace from anyone. High quality learning that is rewindable so student's are able to access it outside of our 9-3 school hours and also access it more than once.

As we are currently in Lockdown due to Covid-19 having ubiquitous teaching and learning available is even more important. This time around I feel we have tried to make everything as ubiquitous as possible. 

  • We use class dojo as one platform for students to post on (as well as student blogs). Although this is private to only our students and whanau we share the learning they post on there onto our sharing slides which are accessible to anyone on our class site. 
  • Our learning tasks are available on our site
  • We record our google meets and have made them available on our site too
  • One thing we could do is add audio recordings (using mote or screencastify to our learning task slides. However we do go over our slides during our google meets and that recording is made available.
A barrier we have found is access to devices and internet which has impacted our learners. We gave out devices as soon as it was allowed however not all students had internet at home. 


We completed a digital dig that student's do during cybersmart sessions today using a chromebook (or chromebook simulator). Top tips I learned during this are a couple of shortcuts:

  • Ctrl L to select address bar
  • Ctrl backspace to delete previous word

Ipads and Explain Everything

We had the choice today for our create task to choose between screencastify, Hāpara workspace or explain everything. I choose to look into Explain everything as it is something I had done some PD on years ago as a junior teacher but I found it quite tricky. We were taken through the steps to set up projects on explain everything that students can then use in their learning. I am mentoring a junior teacher at the moment who is very keen to learn new digital skills so thought this would be valuable to share with her.

I created a Kawa of Care for Ipads task in which students have to take photos showing the kawa of care and then record their voice saying the kawa of care shown. I added instructions in with audio and screenshots explaining the task on the first two slides. Screenshots of these are below:

After the instructions there are three pages like the one below for the students to add photos and audio on to showing the kawa of care.

It was really great to learn how to make projects on Explain Everything and I look forward to passing this knowledge onto our junior team.

1 comment:

  1. Ka pai Ocea. I love the Explain Everything project. What a cool idea to include screenshots of the tool bar to introduce the different tools. Having time to explore Chromebook shortcuts is great. Every shortcut students learn means more time saved and less chance of frustration.
